Chessman Hong Kong was responsible for the design of logo, all promotional materials and decorations for ATalks organized by AP Group. The silhouette of a speech bubble is merged into the letter ‘A’ in order to demonstrate the theme of ‘talking’. Besides, both yellow and black were used to exemplify the glimpse of light in the dark which represents that ATalkers are using their own power to light up and influence the world.
棋人香港為AP Group所舉辦的ATalks設計標誌、宣傳品及所有場地佈置,將代表說話的框框融入「A」字,配合「愛說」的活動主題。而黃與黑的色彩配搭則寓意黑暗中的光芒,代表ATalks的講者藉自身的力量照亮及影響世界。
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