Chessman HK collaborated with SIAM 28, the Thai restaurant, for the design of a new advertising campaign and we were responsible for overseeing the shooting. Featuring the green tone of the restaurant’s interior and the colorful Thai cuisine, Bob Lam, the new model of the brand, is showing faces of the four main tastes of food: sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and spiciness. This belongs to the same advertising series under ET Troop Group as the Japanese barbecue restaurant BICHO and you may be interested in looking at that as well: click here
棋人香港為新派泰國餐廳SIAM 28設計宣傳廣告,並負責整個拍攝的美術指導。設計配合餐廳的綠色主調和泰菜繽紛的色彩,並由代言人BOB(林盛斌)演繹泰菜中的「甜酸苦辣」。此設計與同為ET TROOP集團旗下的日式餐廳備長(BICHO)屬同一系列,有興趣不妨看看有關BICHO的項目簡介 按此。
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