「生意兄龍」Boom Boom Workshop

The logo design style that evokes the nostalgic feel of old Hong Kong.
At the center of the design is an image of Sun Wukong, who is the eldest disciple of Tang Sanzang in the classic Chinese novel "Journey to the West". Wilfred Lau, who is also known as "Senior Brother" among his peers, shares some similarities with Sun Wukong's character, making it a fitting image to represent him. Using Sun Wukong's image to describe Liu's personality and traits is a great match and can help people quickly understand who he is.
「生意兄龍」這個名字有著本地文化的色彩,所以LOGO用了舊香港 味道的設計風格。中心畫有一個孫 悟空的頭像,孫悟空是唐三藏的徒弟中的大師兄,而劉浩龍亦有「師兄」這個暱稱。懂72變的孫悟空,其好動及百般武藝的性格特質與浩龍亦為相似。所以以孫悟空的形象來描述浩龍是非常匹配的,亦能夠讓人迅速明白浩龍的個性與特質。
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