The New Year Card 2015 is another challenge from Nextra for ‘Give a Gift’, a very meaningful charity campaign. In order to express the idea of solicitude, the motif of our design is ‘home’. The colorful, roof-shaped card with the design of sunrise is full of holiday cheer and evoke a sense of pleasure.
承接《GIVE A GIFT》計劃,今次是2015年的新年咭。這是一個很有意義的慈善計劃,為表達「關懷」的理念,我們今次以「家」為設計概念。新年咭呈現屋頂的形狀,鮮豔的顏色加上代表著「希望」的日出圖案,充滿著節日氣氛,更讓收到咭的人感受歡樂及助人的喜悅。
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