Good Drop Chessman Charity & Culture has held its first event ‘Sing Through The Dark’ Charity Concert, presented by Johnnie Walker.

Chessman Hong Kong was responsible for the key art and poster design – the design is based on the pattern for eye exam and our designer would like the able-bodied people to feel the world of the disabled. Besides, a luminous bracelet was designed and given to the audience as a souvenir.
棋人的慈善單位「棋人公益文化計劃 Good Drop Chessman Charity & Culture」首項活動:由Johnnie Walker呈獻之「越黑高歌」慈善音樂會,為奧比斯籌款。

CHESSMAN HONG KONG 負責該活動的Keyart 及 Poster設計,設計師以驗眼的圖樣為創作概念,讓健全的人感覺視障人士的世界。而設計師亦為到臨的觀眾設計了一款夜光手帶作為小禮物。.
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