To promote street dance, the kind of dance people usually do not take it seriously, the passionate team of dancer at Dance Kingdom has been putting enormous efforts in this school. Thus to enhance the sense of academic, we placed a olive crown in the logo. The light aqua blue is, on the other hand, a representation of the dancers’ youthfulness and vitality.
舞蹈學校Dance Kingdom由狄易達帶領的一群熱血年青的舞蹈員主理,以一般人眼中屬次文化的街舞(street dance)為主。為推廣街舞,讓人認識當中的藝術,Dance Kingdom的隊伍都付出了不少心機和時間,非常鼓舞。標誌以淡湖水藍為主調,代表青春的活力,配合帶有學術味道的橄欖葉冠,強調「教學」的原意,同時表達街舞也可登大雅之堂。
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