After ‘BOB’s UP at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2015’, Bob also had his stand-up comedy in Malaysia and Macao. Since 2018, he has started the tour to mainland China, and already held his comedy in Shunde, Zhongshan and Jiangmen. Tailor-made contents for the audiences were greeted with loud cheers both in the pre-show fan meeting and at the show. Chessman HK was solely responsible for designing the key art and souvenirs,as well as the promotion and production of the show.
繼《BOB’S UP伊館2015》後,BOB亦分別於馬來西亞雲頂及澳門威尼斯人劇場舉行棟篤笑。自2018年起,他更展開內地巡迴演出,先後到順德、中山及江門舉行《BOB’S UP》。BOB每次會因應不同地方而度身訂造棟篤笑內容,無論是宣傳見面會及演出當天均獲熱烈支持。棋人香港作為主辦方,一手包辦了主題設計、紀念品設計、宣傳及銷售策劃,亦負責執行整場棟篤笑。
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